Lip Fish

<?php print theme( 'imagecache', 'post_img_320', "sites/", '', 'They call me, "Painter of Lips"' ); ?>

I was drawing fish and it occurred to me, "Wow, wouldn't this fish look great with some gigantic lips. And wheels"

That, folks, is how inspiration occurs.

You're drawing your normal fish and then that thunderbolt strikes and not only do you have something that looks like a fish, but it also has the familiar lips and wheels of a true Botaday masterpiece.

I believe I may be the Thomas Kinkade of the ballpoint-pen-drawings-that-resemble-robots genre. Except I haven't drank myself to death yet.

Heck. I haven't even gotten to the "opening galleries nationwide" part yet, let alone the "making billions off prints" part.

Maybe I could just draw stuff, and then train a crew of people to add lips and wheels to prints of the stuff I drew.