Fembot I


It's possible to think entirely too much about this. Nevertheless, I've been posting robots for about two years and I've never felt the need to identify one of them as a "mascbot". I suppose it just means that our popular culture assumes that robots are evil, i.e., masculine. (heh)

And, following on that assumption, that I am just another unconscious culture-zombie. Which, in this case, I was. Until I suddenly realized that I had just posted a "fembot" and started to wonder why the hundreds of other 'bots that I've put up couldn't easily have been feminine. And, well, that's 'cause I'm a guy and I am/was a culture zombie.

So now what? I could rename or remove this particular drawing and vow to not put up "sexist" drawings in the future. Or, I could ask you, my fellow blogospherians, "Is it okay to assign gender to random scribblings on a prejudicial basis?"

Hint:I want you to say "yes", because I want to draw more feminine-inspired robotic imaginings and label them as Fembot II, Fembot III, etc.

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