Second Hand Smoke


Las Vegas leads the nation in SSSDs (Sudden Secondhand Smoke Deaths).

This is not widely known because the casinos secretly employ elite units of coroners and morticians who whisk away the dead before anyone notices they've expired.

Seriously though, if I ever walked into a casino and couldn't smell cigarette smoke I would feel like a significant portion of the past was gone. I know it's an horrendously bad portion, but it's as much old Vegas as neon, showgirls and above-ground atomic testing. I suppose if we can get used to slot machines that use speakers to imitate the sound of coins falling, we can tolerate a Mirage that doesn't smell faintly like the ashtray at your grandma's.

Today's entry was in fact suggested by The Voices, but they offered nothing in the way of explanation, hence the discourse on smoking and casinos.

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